Parking Policy & Procedure

Parking Regulations
Parking is available to all Minnesota West Community & Technical College students, staff, administration and faculty. All students, staff, administration and faculty are encouraged to park their vehicles in the
parking lots. The following is a summary of the parking and traffic regulations for Minnesota West Community and Technical College and the penalty for the violations thereof.

Section I – Parking and traffic rules and regulations adopted.
The Minnesota State College and University System, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 136F.53, hereby adopts the following parking traffic rules and regulations to be administrated and enforced on the property of Minnesota West Community and Technical College.

  1. Only those vehicles belonging to students or employees of Minnesota West or to other persons having a purpose or function at the college may park on college property.
  2. Parking is prohibited on the college roadways, sidewalks, landscaped areas, safety zones, loading zones, within ten feet of intersections, adjacent to yellow curbs, and in areas where parking is expressly prohibited by signs. Exceptions to this regulation are as follows:
    a. College owned vehicles when being used in the performance of work on college property.
    b. Vehicles making delivery of goods to the college may park in loading zones during required delivery time.
  3. In compliance with Minnesota Statute 169.346, parking in a restricted area shall be limited to those persons who have been issued a handicap license plate or are displaying a state issued handicap certificate. Violators will be subject to towing at the discretion of the college and at the owner’s expense.
  4. Parking lanes are designated by painted yellow lines. Adequate space has been provided between each set of yellow lines to park an automobile. Parking is restricted to a maximum of one parking lane per vehicle. Parking on the yellow lane lines or parking in a position which occupies more than one parking lane is prohibited.
  5. All vehicles are required to follow signs to gain entrance to and exit from parking areas.
  6. Maximum speed of vehicles on college property shall be 15 miles per hour unless lower speeds are indicated by posted signs.
  7. The dumping or depositing of any refuse on college property is prohibited.
  8. No person shall drive or operate a snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, skateboard, hover board, stunt bike riding and/or inline skates on property owned, leased, occupied, or operated by Minnesota West Community and Technical College.
  9. The solicitation and posting of announcements/advertisements related to goods, services, activities, etc., by placement on or affixing to any parked vehicle on college property is strictly prohibited.

Section II – Enforcement
Any appropriate law enforcement officer shall see that all rules of this regulation are obeyed and shall arrest and prosecute offenders.
The College assumes no responsibility for personal liability or personal property loss.