Policy 6.4.4

Chapter 6 - Facilities

6.4.4 Pets on Campus

Minnesota West recognizes an inherent health and safety issue with the presence of pets on campus. Therefore, the presence of dogs, cats, and other pets is prohibited in all college buildings at all times except as authorized by the Campus Administrator. A service animal shall be exempt from these provisions. A Service Animal is defined as per the Federal Register, 9/15/10 Sec. 35.136 Service animals.

The presence of dogs, cats and other pets shall be prohibited on all other college property unless they are on a leash under the control of and accompanied by a person. Any dog, cat or other pet found in violation of the policy may be impounded and its owner subject to disciplinary action.

Reference: Federal Register, 9/15/2010 Sec. 35.136 Service Animals

Approved by: Richard Shrubb
Date: May 4, 2011
History & Revision: Originated 7/1/2003