Policy 1B.1

Chapter 1 - General

1B.1 Equal Opportunity and/Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education

Minnesota West Community and Technical College is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination.  We acknowledge and adhere to the definitions and processes described in Minnesota State Policy 1B.1 - “Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education” and Minnesota State Procedure 1B.1.1 – “Report/Complaint of Discrimination/Harassment Investigation and Resolution.”

The designated officer at Minnesota West Community and Technical College is Katie Meyer.  Her office is on the Worthington Campus.  She will make herself available as needed to employees and students of the college.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: March 1, 2013

History and Revision:September 2, 2015
History and Revision: May 11, 2016

Board of Trustees Policy 1B.1
Board Procedure 1B.1.1

Approved by:  Terry Gaalswyk, President
Date:  May 11, 2016

Revision: July 25, 2107 Minnesota State link