Policy 5.12

Chapter 5 - Administration

Policy Information

Number: 5.12 Refunds for Dropped Courses and Withdrawals
Author: Finance
Effective Date: Fall 2021
Next Review Date: Fall 2026

Regulatory Authority

Minnesota State Board Policy: 5.12: Tuition and Fee Due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals   and Waivers
Web address: https://www.minnstate.edu/board/policy/512.html


Purpose: To provide management and guidance on schedule adjustments, tuition and fee due dates, refunds, withdrawals, and waivers.

Part 1. Schedule Adjustments - Drop/Add
For terms three weeks or greater in length, the drop period is five business days, starting with the first day of the term not the first day the class meets. A 100% refund of tuition and fees shall be provided to a student who officially drops on or before the fifth day of a term. For purposes of this policy, a term is defined as fall semester, fall late start, spring semester, spring late start, summer session I and summer session II. 

Alternate length courses - For courses three weeks or greater in length that do not start during the first five days of a term (defined above) and for courses less than three weeks in length, the drop period is one business day after the first day of the class. A 100% refund of tuition and fees shall be provided to a student who officially drops by the end of the first business day following the start date of the class. If dropped credits are used to determine the student's status for payment of financial aid, the student's status will be recalculated. Repayment of financial aid can be the result of the recalculation if the student has already received payment.

Official Drop - To officially drop a class or classes, students must submit a completed Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Form to a campus resource specialist or drop using the online registration system (eServices). No grades will be recorded for courses dropped during the drop/add period.

Late add courses -Courses added after the fifth day of the term will result in no additional financial aid and students will be responsible for additional tuition charges. There will be no financial aid recalculation after the fifth day of fall or spring and fifth day of the second summer term. Students with exceptional circumstances may petition to the Director of Financial Aid for recalculation of aid.

*Students who initially register after the drop/add period will be eligible for financial aid. However, the drop/add period will no longer apply.

Part 2. Refunds for Withdrawals
Federal regulations require that students who have received Federal financial aid and withdraw before completing the semester return a portion of the money received because they have not earned the total amount awarded for the term. Students considering withdrawing from the college should consult an advisor or resource specialist before leaving the college to discuss any financial ramifications prior to submitting the withdrawal.

Time frame for withdrawals - For courses that meet the entire semester, students will be allowed to withdraw from classes up to the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the days in the academic semester have elapsed. For courses not on a standard academic semester schedule, the final date for official course withdrawal shall be the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the instructional days for the course have elapsed. 

Official Withdrawal - Students deciding to withdraw from a course/s or the college after registering for classes must officially withdraw in their e-services student account or with an advisor or campus resource specialist. A course from which the student withdraws during the withdrawal period will appear on their academic transcript with a W, and will count against completion percentage for Satisfactory Academic Progress. A student should meet with their program advisor to discuss any potential program and/or graduation ramifications prior to submitting a withdrawal.

60+ 1 Day - Attendance will be taken after the 60% point of the term. Students in attendance after the 60% point will be considered to have earned all financial aid.

Refund of tuition and fees ­- Minnesota West will refund tuition and fees for students who totally withdraw in accordance with the following schedule:

1st to 5th class day - 100%
6th to 10th class day - 75%
11th to 15th class day - 50%
16th to 20th class day - 25%
After the 20th class day - 0

Summer sessions and other terms at least three weeks but less than ten weeks in length:
1st to 5th class day - 100%
6th to 10th class day - 50%
After the 10th class day - 0

Terms less than three weeks in length:
1st class day of term – 100%
2nd and 3rd class day of term – 50%
After the 3rd class day – 0%

*All tuition and fees are due no later than the end of the 5th day of each term.

The Minnesota State Grant recalculates throughout the term and may result in a student either receiving more funding, or having to return funding. Any student considering withdrawing from a class or classes should speak with their campus resource specialist to determine both the academic and financial effects of a withdrawal.

Part 3.  Administrative Withdrawals
The College reserves the right to administratively withdraw students for non-attendance. There will be no reduction in tuition and fees.

Part 4. Course Exchange

Students who are obligated for tuition and fees for withdrawn or never attended course/s may petition to apply the amount of the tuition and fees for the withdrawn/never attended course to cover the cost of an added course for the same term. There are 3 scenarios in which a course exchange may be approved -

  1. A student never attended a course, and received a FN for the course. The student may identify an additional course within the same semester and petition for a course exchange in which the tuition and fees from the first course may be applied to the added course. The course with the FN grade will remain on the student’s transcript, and the second course will be added.
  2. Course exchange for a like-for-like course. Ex., A student is exchanging an original course that is on-campus for the identical course that is online. The original course will be a back-dated drop, and the new course will be added.
  3. In extenuating circumstances, a course exchange may be approved for a student who is no longer able to take the original course in its original format. If approved, the tuition and fees from the original course, may be applied to an added second course within the same term. This does not need to be a like-for-like exchange. The student must provide third party documentation, supporting the need for the course exchange. The original course will remain on the student’s transcript with a “W” grade, and the second course will be added.

* Students must also petition for a recalculation of financial aid for a course exchange. If the exchange of credits is not credit for credit, financial aid may be adjusted.

Part 5.  No Shows
Students who register for classes and never attend will have their financial aid recalculated. Repayment may be the result of this recalculation if the student has already received payment.
When the college determines that a student is a no-show in all of their classes, a letter will be generated by the registration department and mailed to the student along with the college petition form and a fee statement for the term in question.

The letter will explain to the student that their failure to show/attend their classes has been indicated and that they are still obligated for the tuition and fees. Their transcripts will indicate a grade of FN (failure, never attended) and no financial aid will be awarded. Refunds for tuition and fees are only processed based on policy 5.12 for those students who officially drop all courses within the time frames indicated.

If the student feels that they have extenuating circumstances that prevented them from dropping their courses in a timely manner and would like reconsideration of their obligation to the college, they can fill out and submit the petition form within 30 days of notification. Failure to do so will indicate to the college that the student understands their financial obligation to the college. Collection of the bill will proceed according to the college accounts receivable policy.

If the student returns the petition form, the petition will be routed to the appropriate college administrator. The campus administrator will consult with the following departments: registration, financial aid, and the college business office. After consultation the college administrator will recommend to the college provost the approval or denial of the petition based on the presence of extenuating circumstances. If approved, a waiver will be processed noting significant personal circumstances. The student will be notified of the decision by the college provost.

Part 6. Deferrals

Colleges and universities shall inform a student that has received a financial aid deferment that they will remain registered and financially obligated for the tuition and fees even if they do not receive financial aid.

The president or designee may grant short-term tuition and fee payment deferrals in cases where, due to exceptional circumstances, a student needs additional time to arrange third party financing or otherwise satisfy a tuition and fee balance due.

*Refer to Minnesota West Procedure 5.12.2 for additional information

Part 7. Waivers

The president or designee may waive amounts due to the college or university as authorized by the system procedure on waivers - Board procedure 5.12.2 –


The college or university shall document the reason for all waivers. The college or university cannot waive the MSCSA student association fee. However, a college or university may elect to pay the fee on behalf of a student who qualifies for an approved tuition or fee waiver.

Minnesota West shall, in consultation with students, develop guidelines to implement this policy. These guidelines must be available to students. Refer to Minnesota West Procedure 5.12.2

Part 8. Accountability and Reporting

Minnesota West shall maintain records on refunds, drops, withdrawals, nonattendance, and waivers to ensure accountability and accurate reporting in accordance with applicable procedures.

College Review

Review Action


Deans, Directors and Division Chairs


Academic Affairs and Standards Council


Policy Review Committee


Shared Governance


President Approval


Campus Community Dissemination





Approved by

Richard Shrubb, President



Revision Approved by

Richard Shrubb, President



Revision Approved by

Richard Shrubb, President



Revision Approved by

Richard Shrubb, President


1/15/2016 – added “No Show”

Revision Approved by

Terry Gaalswyk, President



Revision Approved by

Terry Gaalswyk, President


11/27/2017 – FW to FN

Revision Approved by

Terry Gaalswyk, President


3/2/2022 – Changes to withdraws, no-shows, course exchanges, waivers and deferrals

Revision Approved by

Terry Gaalswyk, President