Policy 6.44 Animals on Campus

Chapter 6 - Facilities Management

6.44 Animals on Campus

Purpose:  It is the policy of the college to establish regulations for authorized animals on campus that provide a safe environment for students, employees, visitors and guests.

Policy:  It is the objective of the college to provide a safe environment for students, employees, visitors, and guests by establishing and enforcing regulations for animals on campus. With the exception of those animals specifically exempted by this document, animals are not allowed in college buildings or in college vehicles. This policy and any related procedures apply to all buildings, grounds, and all members of the campus community, as well as individuals using campus buildings, including off-campus and leased properties.


  1. Service Animals (as defined in Service Animals Policy)
  2. Animals for Educational Purposes

Safety expectations related to exempted animals:
Vaccinations: The animal must have current immunization against diseases, including rabies, distemper and parvovirus or the appropriate vaccination series for the type of animal. Dogs must wear a rabies vaccination tag.

Owner ID: The animal must wear an owner identification tag, including the owner name and contact information, anytime the animal is on campus.

Health: The animal must be in good health.

Care: The care and supervision of the animal is solely the responsibility of its handler.

Cleanup: The handler is responsible for cleaning up animal waste unless the handler is physically not able to perform the cleanup. If an individual with a disability is not able to clean up after a service animal, arrangements should be made with the appropriate Physical Plant Staff.

Approved by: Terry Gaalswyk, President
Date: August 2018
History & Revision: