Policy 6.20.4

Chapter 6 - Facilities

6.20.4 Campus Security

To establish a policy to identify the resources available for promoting student, staff and building security on Minnesota West campuses.

Minnesota West, through the office of the Director of Facilities, shall create a plan to meet the needs of each campus for evening security. This plan shall include provisions for building security and student safety/security, and will comply with all provisions of the National Crime Awareness Act. Minnesota West shall provide all necessary training to staff and students to meet the needs of this policy.

The Director of Facilities, with assistance from the campus Building Services Supervisor, the campus Safety Committee, and other appropriate campus personnel, shall implement the following procedures to assure the campus is secure and safe for students and staff using the facilities in the evenings.

  1. Each campus shall establish a time for exterior doors to be locked. It is the responsibility of on-duty Building Services personnel to lock and unlock exterior doors according to this schedule.

  2. Each campus shall develop and enforce a KEY CONTROL plan to assure access to all areas of the campus are secure and that only appropriate keys are available to staff.

  3. Faculty and staff are responsible for locking or otherwise securing their work areas when this security is appropriate.

  4. The Building Services Supervisor is responsible to insure that interior and exterior lighting is appropriate to meet the need.

  5. Only staff, students, and other authorized individuals shall be allowed in the campus buildings after normal business hours. All others will be asked to leave by the on-duty Building Services personnel or other campus representative. All problems shall be referred to the appropriate authorities (police department or sheriff's office), and, a Campus Incident Report form shall be completed and forwarded to the Campus Administrator.

  6. Students and staff leaving a campus building in the evening are encouraged to walk in pairs or in a group to their cars. If this is not possible, they may request to be escorted to their car by on-duty Building Services personnel. Building Services personnel and Work-Study students working for the Building Services department shall be trained by the local authorities in how to deal with situations that may arise while performing this duty. All problems encountered shall be reported to the appropriate authorities. A Campus Incident Report form shall be completed and forwarded to the Campus Administrator.

  7. The Campus Safety Committee shall review all Campus Incident Reports and evaluate what measures can be taken to avoid repeat incidents. All incident reports and responses shall be maintained in a file for inclusion in all reports required by the National Crime Awareness Act or other reporting authorities.

Minnesota West shall take whatever steps necessary to ensure the safety and security of all students, staff and others using campus facilities. We will work closely with all appropriate state, county and local authorities to meet this goal.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
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