Policy 3.35

Chapter 3 - Educational

3.35 Advisory Committee Policies

Each College is required to form an advisory committee to provide guidance and advice concerning design, development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance and revision of technical/occupational and liberal arts programs. In addition, advisory committees may assist with marketing, recruitment, placement, and financial support of programs.

Committee membership will consist of business/industry representatives that will share their viewpoints of all segments served by the program. College faculty members, current students, secondary and university partners, administrative representatives, government agency representatives, should serve as non-voting, consulting members.

The committee will consist of a minimum of six voting members.

The advisory committee will meet a minimum of once a year with minutes submitted electronically to the appropriate division chair.

Program faculty will contact potential committee members to determine their interest in serving.

Potential committee members will be reviewed with the Division Chair and then offered a position on the committee.

A rotation based upon a three year term will be set up to provide new members a term of service.

The chairperson of the advisory committee will be elected from the business/industry membership of the committee.

Division Chairpersons will compile the minutes of all program advisory committees and forward them to the appropriate dean.

Recommendations and concerns voiced by the committees will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator for action.