Policy 4.17

Chapter 4 - Human Resources

4.17 Unclassified Staff Development

In support of Minnesota West Community & Technical College's commitment to staff to promote and support life-long learning and career development a staff development fund has been established. The amount of funds allocated will be reviewed annually each year through the budget process. These funds are for use by the members of MAPE, MMA and Excluded Administrators. The following guidelines outline the process for gaining access to these funds:

  1. Staff eligible to apply for staff development funds shall be those persons whose work agreements are for at least 50% time (1044 hours) per fiscal year. If any employee holds multiple appointments in different bargaining units they shall be eligible for staff development funds from the fund supporting their primary position. All applications for funds should be in written form and sent to the Chief Human Resource Officer. Supervisor approval is required prior to submission. Enclose any relevant documents that describe the activity you are seeking funding for.

  2. The Chief Human Resource Officer will review the request and make a decision in regard to funding.

  3. The employee will be notified of approval or denial via email.

  4. If the employee is paying for the event personally and is requesting reimursement for costs the employee must complete a Travel Expense Reimbursement form. The employee should submit the travel expense form along with receipts for expenses incurred and a copy of approved application.

  5. If the event is to be paid directly by the college, the employee must complete a Purchase Order prior to the training taking place.
  6. The employee will follow up with copies of any grades, certificates of completion, etc. when the activity is complete. A staff development evaluation must also be completed and submitted to the Human Resource Department.

  7. Funds will be disbursed on a first-come basis. Funding limit is set at $500.00 per person initially. On May 15th of each year available funds will be reviewed and if funding exists the additional funds may be disbursed proportionately to those whose initial application was in excess of $500.

Required Forms: Staff Development Application and Staff Development Evaluation

Approved by: Richard Shrubb, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision:
Removed wording, "excluding Customized Training." Revised forms. (March 30, 2006)

Wording update (February 7, 2014)