Policy 4.9.2

Chapter 4 - Human Resources

4.9.2 Non-Faculty Performance Management Procedure

To establish and maintain a procedure for evaluating employees on an annual basis.

It is the goal of Minnesota West Community & Technical College to create and maintain a working and learning environment, which is positive, supportive, and productive for all employees. To this end, it is the policy of the college, that all employee performance evaluations are provided in a timely manner.

Responsibility for Implementation
Human Resources, all supervisors and administrators.

The Human Resources office is responsible to notify the supervisor of the evaluation review dates. The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the prior period activities and for preparing a thoughtful written document.  The evaluation document shall also include plans for improvement where appropriate as well as professional development plans and goals for the coming year.

  1. On an annual basis, the Human Resources office will provide each supervisor with the review dates and necessary forms or links for form retrieval. Supervisors will also be notified of probationary status review dates.
  2. The supervisor will work with the employee to update the position description as necessary prior to the review and will schedule a meeting with the employee allowing ample time to discuss the evaluation.
  3. The completed evaluation form is to be signed by both the supervisor and employee, allowing the employee sufficient time to add his/her own comments. If an employee refuses to sign the evaluation form, the supervisor will document the discussion and refusal on the form. Copies of the evaluation form must be provided to the employee by the supervisor upon completion.  The evaluation form shall then be routed to the supervisor's supervisor for signature.
  4. The completed original evaluation form and updated position description will be forwarded to the Human Resources office in hard copy. The Human Resource office will note the completion date and create the transaction necessary to affect the employee's salary increase, if appropriate. Appraisals that are not completed in a timely fashion will not stop a step increase for AFSCME, MAPE and MMA employees. Only direct notification with sufficient documentation from the supervisor prior to the progression due date can stop a scheduled step increase. The evaluation form will be placed in the employee's personnel file.
  5. Completed evaluations are tracked. If the evaluation is not completed in a timely manner, the number of days outstanding will be reported to the President's Cabinet on a regular basis. 

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: December 17, 2013 Language update
Approved by:  Richard Shrubb, President