Policy 6.20.6

Chapter 6 - Facilities

6.20.6 Community Right-To-Know

To assure compliance with the reporting requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. This legislation builds upon EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program and is intended to help communities better prepare to meet their responsibilities in regard to chemical emergencies.

Minnesota West, through the office of the Director of Facilities, shall create a plan of compliance for the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986.

For the purpose of this plan, the Campus Safety Committee is delegated the authority to assure local compliance to the plan. Campus based department directors and program instructors shall monitor hazardous chemicals and wastes, and report quantities, new hazardous substances and amount (including any variances from normal) to the Campus Safety Committee at the beginning of each school term.

All campuses and programs doing business as Minnesota West shall endeavor to maintain inventories of hazardous chemicals and hazardous wastes below the minimum EPA established threshold quantity required to trigger the reporting procedures.


  1. Minnesota West shall submit a list of all MSDS chemicals or a copy of the MSDS to:
    1. The local emergency planning committee.
    2. The local fire department.
    3. The state emergency response commission.
  2. If a list is sent, the list must include the chemical or common name of each substance and must identify the applicable hazard categories. The hazard categories are:
    1. Immediate (acute) health hazard.
    2. Delayed (chronic) health hazard.
    3. Fire hazard.
    4. Sudden release of pressure.
    5. Reactive hazard.
  3. A copy of the hazardous chemical report can be found at the end of this procedure. Only those MSDSs for hazardous chemicals which exceed the EPA established threshold quanity are necessary to report. For extremely hazardous substances, any chemical that exceeds the threshold quantity of 500 pounds or the threshold planning quantity, whichever is lower, must be reported. For all other hazardous chemicals, the minimum is 10,000 pounds. A copy of the extremely hazardous substance list and the hazardous chemical list is included at the end of this procedure.

  4. In the event of a hazardous substance spill or release, the Campus Administrator and the Director of Facilities must be notified immediately. The Campus Administrator or his/her designee must immediately notify the local emergency planning committee and the state emergency response commission if there is a hazardous substance release or spill :
    1. Local Emergency: 911.
    2. State Emergency Response number: 1-800-422-0798.
    3. National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802.
  5. The following information must be included (to the extent known at the time of the notice and so long as no delay in response to the emergency results):
    1. The chemical name or identity of the substance involved in the spill or release.
    2. An indication of whether the substance is on the list of extremely hazardous substances.
    3. An estimate of the quantity of any substance that was released into the environment.
    4. The time and duration of the release.
    5. The medium or media into which the release occurred.
    6. Any known or anticipated acute or chronic health risks associated with the emergency and, where appropriate, advice regarding medical attention necessary for exposed individuals (MSDS).
    7. Proper precautions to take as a result of the release, including evacuation if necessary.
    8. The name and telephone number of the person or persons to be contacted for further information.
  6. As soon as practical after the release, the Director of Facilities shall conduct an investigation into the cause and effect of the release or spill and will submit a written follow-up report to the Emergency Response Commission and to the President of Minnesota West.

  7. Due to the potential negative effect of a spill or release on the campus and surrounding community, please refer to Policy #FM209S for guidance in dealing with an on-campus emergency event.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: