Procedure 7.7.1

Chapter 7 - Finance

Policy 7.7 Grant Development
Procedure 7.7.1 Grant Sign-off/Description Form

Grant Sign-off/Description Form

Grant Title: Click here to enter text.
Grant Writer(s):Click here to enter text.

Granting Agency(s)/Foundation(s):Click here to enter text.

Grant concept Executive Summary (One paragraph):Click here to enter text.

Relationship to College Mission:Click here to enter text.

Anticipated Budget Implications for the College (Grant & Post-grant):Click here to enter text.

Approval Signatures

Concept Stage (five day response time)

Approval: _____________________________________________________Date:_________________

(Provost or VP of Administration)

Comments:Click here to enter text.

Submittal Stage (tem days prior to due date unless prior arrangement at Concept Stage):

Approval: _____________________________________________________Date:_________________

(Provost or VP of Administration)

Comments:Click here to enter text.

Date Submitted: Click here to enter text.                                             

Grant Amount:Click here to enter text.

Date Approved/Rejected: _____________________                 

Indirect cost allowance: Click here to enter text.

Copy of the award/rejection letter should be sent to the Business Office for filing.          

Revised 8/10/15