Policy 6.20.13

Chapter 6 - Facilities

6.20.13 Weapons

Minnesota West Community & Technical College recognizes the need to provide a safe and secure environment on all college-owned and operated property, leading to positive outcomes from students, staff and faculty.

No student or employee of the college is allowed to have in his or her possession any weapon while on campus, in a state vehicle, or at any event sponsored by the college.

For the purpose of this Policy:

A weapon means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; any device or instrument designed as a weapon, or through its use is capable of threatening or producing great bodily harm or death; and any device or instrument that is used to threaten or cause bodily harm or death. Examples include, but are not limited to:  guns (including pellet guns, look-alike guns, non-functioning guns that could be used to threaten others), knives, clubs, metal knuckles, nunchaku, throwing stars, explosives, stun guns, ammunition, and other items used in a threatening manner. Any of the above that are required for use in a training setting will not be considered weapons as long as they are not used in a threatening manner.


Shall mean having a weapon on one's person or in an area subject to one's control on college property or at a college activity.

A student or employee who finds a weapon on the way to classes or in the college building and takes the weapon immediately to the Campus Administrator's office shall not be considered in possession of the weapon.

Consequences of violating this policy are confiscation of the weapon, notification to the police department and immediate suspension until an investigation is completed. Violators will be turned over to local law enforcement officials.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: