Policy 4.16

Chapter 4 - Human Resources

4.16 Classified Staff Development

Classified staff development funds are available to establish a climate fostering success. Staff Development should promote the wholeness of the individual mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and academically. By fostering growth in these areas, the clientele of the college will be better served. The amount of funds allocated will be reviewed annually each year through the budget process.

The activity content must follow these stated objectives:

  1. Improve Job Performance.
  2. Improve Productivity.
  3. Improve Interpersonal Communication.
  4. Improve Opportunity for Lifelong Learning.


  1. Staff eligible to apply for staff development funds shall be those persons whose work agreements are for at least 50% time (1044 hours) per fiscal year. If any employee holds multiple appointments in different bargaining units they shall be eligible for staff development funds from the fund supporting their primary position.

  2. Each campus shall have a standing committee comprised of at least three members meeting on an as needed basis. The committee has the authority to review applications, authorize funding consistent with the stated objectives, and provide training/workshops for eligible staff in accordance with the goals and objectives of this policy.

  3. Activities eligible for funding include: Minnesota West credit and clock hour classes, credit classes outside of Minnesota West seminars, workshops, community education classes, and others  activities including designing your own staff development. Each activity will be categorized into one of the following areas:
    1. Job Required
      Supervisor requires course or program to obtain necessary skills. In this instance the employee will receive 100% reimbursement for tuition, books and other special fees, plus release time or compensation time from work. Job required courses are not eligible for staff development funds but will be paid for out of the budget the supervisor designates.
    2. Job Related
      Request must be clearly and directly related to the knowledge, skills and ability needed to attain, maintain or improve competence in performing current job responsibilities. The employee receives reimbursement for tuition and other fees up to the allocated dollar amount. The supervisor is responsible for determining the amount of release time, if any, allowed.
    3. Career Development
      Training in this area is not specifically related to the job, but related to personal or career development. Training which is career related is eligible for up to 75% reimbursement for tuition and registration. The employee will pay for books and other materials. Release time is not granted.
  4. All applications for funds should be made by completing the classified staff development application form, obtaining supervisor approval and submitting it to the committee for review.

  5. The Classified Staff Development committee will consider the application and notify the employee of approval or denial. The committee may refer questionable requests to the President of the college for approval or disapproval.

  6. Funding limit is set at $200 per person initially. On May 15th of each year available funds can be reviewed and payments made to individuals exceeding the limit if charges were incurred and total dollars have not been expended.

  7. The employee will follow up with copies of any grades, certificates of completion, etc. when the activity is completed. A staff development evaluation must also be completed and submitted to the committee upon completion of the activity.

  8. If the event is to be paid directly by the college, the employee must complete a Purchase Order prior to the training taking place.

  9. If the employee is paying for the event personally and is requesting reimbursement for costs the employee must complete a Travel Expense Reimbursement form. The employee should submit the travel expense form along with receipts for expenses incurred and a copy of approved application.

Required Forms: Staff Development Application and Staff Development Evaluation

Approved by: Richard Shrubb, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision:

Revision February 7, 2014 wording update