Policy 5.12.0

Chapter 5 - Administration

5.12.0 Schedule Adjustments - Drop/Add


To establish a uniform procedure through which Minnesota West students make schedule adjustments each term and to ensure that financial aid guidelines are maintained.


Minnesota West students may add courses within the first five days of a term.  Minnesota West students may drop courses within the first five days of a term without obligation.  For purposes of this policy, a term is defined as fall semester, fall late start, winter term, spring semester, spring late start, Maymester, summer session I and summer session II.  Students must submit a completed Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Form at a campus registration office or drop using the online registration system. Students will be obligated to pay for any classes dropped after the fifth day of a term.

Short Courses:

Students are entitled to attend one class session without obligation.

Students who are registered for courses that are less than three weeks in length will have one business day after the first class meets in which to drop classes without obligation.  Students who are registered for summer courses which do not start during the first five days of the term will have one business day after the first class meets in which to drop classes without obligation.

In either case, no refund will be given for courses dropped after the next business day.

Students may withdraw from a course through the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the days in the academic semester have elapsed.  For courses not on a standard academic semester schedule, the final date for official course withdrawal shall be the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the instructional days for the course have elapsed.


  1. To add or drop, a student must either submit a signed Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal form to the registration office or complete the add/drop process online using web registration.

a.   Students must submit completed forms to the registrar's office by 4:00 p.m. on the fifth day of the term.   Students may also add or drop courses online through 11:59 p.m. on the fifth day of the term.  For classes that begin after the fifth day of the semester, students can add or drop one business day following the first class period.  Students should meet with their program advisor to discuss any potential program and/or graduation ramifications.

b.   No grades will be recorded for courses dropped during the drop/add period.

2.   To withdraw, a student must either submit a completed Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal form to the campus registration office or complete the withdrawal process online using web registration.

a.   Students requesting to withdraw from a course should meet with their program advisor to discuss any potential program and/or graduation ramifications of a withdrawal prior to submitting any requests.

b.   Students who desire to withdraw should obtain their advisor and instructor’s signatures, sign the form and submit it to the campus registration office prior to 4 p.m. or withdraw online through 11:59 p.m. on the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the days in the academic semester have elapsed.  For courses not on a standard academic semester schedule, the final date for official course withdrawal shall be the date on which eighty percent (80%) of the instructional days for the course have elapsed.

3.   Courses added after the fifth day of the term will result in no additional financial aid and students will be responsible for additional tuition charges. There will be no financial aid recalculation after the fifth day of fall or spring and fifth day of the second summer term. Students with exceptional circumstances may petition to the Director of Financial Aid for recalculation of aid.

4.   Grades for courses from which students officially withdraw or are administratively withdrawn after the drop/add period will appear as “W” on the student transcript.

Students who initially register after the drop/add period will be eligible for financial aid. However, the drop/add period will no longer apply.

Approved by: Richard Shrubb, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision:
Revised on August 23, 2005
Revised on May 14, 2008
Revised on August 24, 2012
Revised on June 5, 2014