
What the State Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Means for Minnesota West

On May 30, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed House File 100 into law, legalizing the use, possession, and cultivation of cannabis within the state. Possession for adults 21 and older is legal starting August 1, 2023, with limits. With changes in the state law, students, faculty, and staff may be wondering how the new legislation will impact the Minnesota West community.

Will marijuana be permitted on Minnesota West campuses?
The use of recreational or medical marijuana in any form, including edibles and extracts, remains prohibited by Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Policy 5.18.1.

For Minnesota West, receipt of federal funds in the form of student loans, aid, and grants requires compliance with federal drug laws, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Marijuana is a Schedule I substance under the federal Controlled Substances Act. Therefore, Minnesota West policies prohibit anyone from using, possessing, or distributing marijuana on Minnesota West property or at Minnesota West events, including off-campus events and related travel.

Do College policies prohibiting marijuana use apply to faculty, staff, students, and visitors?

Yes. Minnesota West policies and federal law prohibit anyone from using, possessing, or distributing marijuana on Minnesota West property or at Minnesota West events, including off-campus travel and events. As a recipient of federal funding, Minnesota West is required to take measures to prevent the illicit use of drugs and abuse of alcohol on campus. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors must abide by Minnesota West Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Policy 5.18.1.

Can Minnesota West prohibit me from engaging in conduct that is permissible under state law?

Yes. Like alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substances that may be permissible under state law, but are restricted by Minnesota West policy, Minnesota West will not permit the use of marijuana on College property or at College-sponsored events. As a higher-education institution, property owner, and recipient of federal funds, Minnesota West has a legal obligation to prohibit marijuana on campus and at events. Students, faculty, and staff who violate policies are subject to disciplinary action.

Can I use medical marijuana on campus?

No. Minnesota West does not allow faculty, staff, students, or visitors to possess marijuana on campus under any circumstances, regardless of medical status.

Minnesota West Policies and Federal and State Laws:

Policy 3.6 Code of Conduct
4.20.1 Alcohol and Other Drug Use
5.18.1 Alcohol or Other Controlled Substances
5.18.2 Use of Tobacco Products

Minnesota State law regarding marijuana use: Chapter 63 Statute
Federal law regarding marijuana use: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act