Information Technology Policies


Eduroam is a secure global wireless access service for the educational and research community that is offered across Minnesota State colleges and universities.

Eduroam serves the goal of improving seamless access across Minnesota State colleges and universities. Instead of wondering how to get access to the guest Wi-Fi, you can simply use eduroam. Once a device is configured to use eduroam, it can automatically join: open your laptop or phone, and go.

Eduroam does not completely replace guest wireless networks, but it does facilitate wireless access for education users, including students and employees of any Minnesota State college or university, and faculty visiting from other higher education institutions.

Visitors from other eduroam-participating colleges and universities can access the Wi-Fi at participating Minnesota State colleges and universities using the usernames and passwords from their home institutions.

Students using any WIFI or wireless devices on Minnesota West campuses or centers are solely responsible for their network activity. User responsibilities include but are not limited to avoiding network damage, network disruption, copyright theft, or any activity that would violate State of Minnesota Statutes or Minnesota West Policy 5.22.1. All users are responsible for reading and understanding Policy 5.22.1 as well as the following use polices.

Minnesota West retains the right to confiscate student personal laptops or wireless devices for violations of State of Minnesota Statutes and/or Minnesota West Policy 5.22.1. Violators may be subject to fine, expulsion or criminal prosecution.

Anti-Virus Software
Students using personal laptops on campus are required to install and maintain current anti-virus protection on their laptop computers. Minnesota West recommends that WIFI users update the anti-virus definitions every 10 days. Minnesota West reserves the right to randomly inspect student laptop computers to verify anti-virus software status; violations can result in loss of network privileges.

Extent of Access
Minnesota West makes no guarantee of the range and/or quality of its wireless network access at any campus or center. However, the College works to maintain equitable WIFI access for all students.

Code of Conduct
Students Students are expected to follow the college Code of Conduct

Internet Use

Due to limitations of data transfer and computer capacity, access to Minnesota West Internet services is restricted to students, faculty, and staff. Individuals using the Internet at Minnesota West's campuses or locations must abide by state and federal laws and the following College guidelines.

  1. Prohibited behaviors include:
    Students are to comply with the college Code of Conduct and Policy 5.22.1.
  2. Plagiarism. No one may copy or incorrectly paraphrase the work of someone else without proper attribution.
  3. Pornography. Viewing or downloading pornography will result in loss of ALL computer access on campus for students and others authorized to use the computers. Accessing pornographic sites through college servers or network systems using student-owned devices is also prohibited.
  4. Violations of copyright, patent, or trademark laws. Using Minnesota West or any State of Minnesota-owned equipment to download copyrighted material is forbidden. Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted materials can result in criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation. Minnesota West reserves the right to monitor all computer network activity to prevent copyright infringement. Violators will be held personally liable for any damages resulting from illegally downloading copyrighted material.
  5. Inappropriate or illegal use of email. No student, faculty or staff person shall distribute fraudulent, harassing or obscene messages or materials in or outside of the institution.
  6. Misuse of chat-lines. College equipment may not be used to access entertainment chat-lines.
  7. Financial Gain. No student, faculty member or staff member may use campus computing equipment to achieve personal financial gain.
  8. Deliberate introduction of any type of virus program.
  9. Unauthorized sharing/downloading. File sharing of any copyrighted material including but not limited to multimedia, music, etc, without the permission of the copyright owner is prohibited. No user shall make available any information or file stored on Minnesota West equipment or campus without the written consent of the computer administrator and the campus technical coordinator. The computer administrator or his/her agent reserves the right to view, audit, edit, or alter all computing activities using College equipment.  No movies or other copyrighted material may be downloaded.

Students using any WIFI or wireless devices on Minnesota West campuses or centers are solely responsible for their network activity. User responsibilities include but are not limited to avoiding network damage, network disruption, copyright theft, or any activity that would violate State of Minnesota Statutes or Minnesota West Policy 5.22.1. All users are responsible for reading and understanding Policy 5.22.1 as well as the following use polices.

College Policies

Policy 5.22.1 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources 
Policy 5.22.2 Cellular and Mobile Device Policy