Policy 4.8

Chapter 4 - Human Resources

4.8 Emeritus Status For Faculty


  1. Must be a retired employee who was employed as a full-time faculty member at Minnesota West Community & Technical College for at least 10 academic years.  Academic years can be consecutive or noncontiguous.
  2. Demonstrated excellence in the performance of a well-rounded set of professional responsibilities at the college.  Those responsibilities may include: teaching, scholarship, student development, committee work, advising, co-curricular activities, and community involvement.


  1. Nominations for emeritus status can be made by any full-time Minnesota West employee who was employed by the college for the full academic year immediately prior to the nomination. Nominations must be submitted to the provost prior to the first day of the spring semester for consideration.
  2. A formal nomination form, along with nomination criteria, will be maintained on the college’s website.
  3. Applications for emeritus status will be discussed by the President’s Cabinet.  The final decision will be made by the President during the spring semester of the academic year in which nominations are received.


  1. Assignment of a Minnesota West email address
  2. Personalized plaque acknowledging emeritus status
  3. Name included on a publicly displayed list of all emeritus faculty
  4. Minnesota West emeritus identification card
  5. Access to all LARC services
  6. Lifetime parking permit
  7. Subscription to Alumni Newsletter
  8. Minnesota West business cards
  9. Listing in the campus directory and catalog as an emeritus faculty member
  10. Reasonable supplies to conduct any university and/or scholarly business
  11. Athletic and Events pass for emeritus and their immediate family.

Approved by:  Richard Shrubb, President
Date:  September 9, 2011
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