Policy 4.9.1

Chapter 4 - Human Resources

4.9.1 Faculty Performance Management

The Minnesota State College and Universities Board of Trustees require that all employees be evaluated on a regular basis. The goal of faculty evaluation at Minnesota West Community & Technical College is the improvement of instruction.

Responsibility for Implementation:  College Provost, Human Resources, all academic supervisors and administrators.


  1. Student Evaluations: Each semester several classes will be asked to evaluate the quality of instruction. Student responses will remain anonymous and composite results will not be given to instructors until grades for the semester have been submitted. Probationary faculty will have several classes evaluated each year of the probationary period. Unlimited full-time or non-probationary faculty will be evaluated on a three-year rotating schedule. Adjunct faculty will be evaluated the first four terms they instruct and thereafter on a three (3) year rotation (academic year). Evaluations may be done more frequently if it appears there are instructional problems. See Student Evaluation of Instruction form and ITV Student Evaluation form.

  2. Classroom Observation: An administrator will make two classroom observations of each probationary faculty member each year of the probationary period. An announced visit will alternate with an unannounced visit. Unlimited full time or non-probationary faculty will be evaluated with one announced visit on a three year rotating schedule. Evaluations may be done more frequently if it appears there are instructional problems. The administrator will complete a classroom observation report for each visit and will share the report with the faculty member as soon after the observation as possible. Classroom observations will be addressed during the semester the observation takes place. The faculty evaluation conference will take place the following semester. See Classroom Observation Report form.

    As an alternative to a direct classroom observation, a faculty member may choose to have an entire session videotaped. The faculty member will then view the videotape and complete a Self Observation of Videotape Session form (see attached form). The faculty member will then schedule a time with the appropriate administrator when the videotape will be reviewed and the self-observation form discussed. It is the faculty member's responsibility to notify the College Provost if this option is to be exercised. It is also the faculty member's responsibility to schedule the videotaping.

  3. Peer Evaluation: (optional) Faculty are encouraged, but not required, to schedule a peer evaluation.  Faculty who elect to have a peer evaluation should schedule a classroom observation by a faculty member of their choice. The observing faculty member would complete a Peer Classroom Observation Report and discuss the report with the observed faculty member as soon as possible after the observation. It will be the faculty member's prerogative to share or not share the Peer Classroom Observation Report with Administration as part of the total evaluation process. See Peer Classroom Observation Report.

  4. Self Evaluation: Upon completion of evaluative procedures A, B, and C, each faculty member will complete a self-evaluation. The faculty member will choose the self-evaluation they wish to use from: 1. Minnesota West Community and Technical College Faculty Self Evaluation form (see attached form) or 2. The Faculty Inventory Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (see attached form). After finishing the self-evaluation the faculty member will be scheduled for a meeting with the College Provost or designee to discuss all the evaluation methods used and their results. The College Provost and the faculty member will attempt to agree on strong points and on areas the faculty member should work to improve upon. See Faculty Evaluation Conference form.

Required forms: Student Evaluation of Instruction, ITV Student Evaluation, Classroom Observation Report, Peer Classroom Observation Report, Faculty Evaluation Conference.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: