Policy 3.3.2

Chapter 3 - Educational

3.3.2 Assessment Policy

Minnesota West has developed guidelines which exempt some students from all or portions of the incoming student assessment, based on presentation of college transcripts as evidence of adequate preparation or prior education, enrollment in non-credit continuing education.

Students enrolled in less than 8 cumulative credits will be exempted from testing unless such classes are English or Mathematics. All students taking a Math or English class for the first time must complete the assessment evaluation or present evidence of adequate preparation, i.e. transcripts from prior colleges or course placement by ACT or other standardized assessment test.

NOTE: Please note that in all situations we do enforce prerequisite courses. If a student only wanted to take BIOL 2250, they WOULD have to provide evidence that they have taken the equivalent of BIOL 1110 even though we wouldn’t require assessment.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: November, 2004
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