Policy 7.6.1

Chapter 7 - Finance

7.6.1 Service and Repair

The Minnesota West Transportation Department utilizes customer vehicles for instructional purposes in the Auto Body, Auto Service Technician, and Diesel Powered Equipment programs.

  1. All repairs are done by students under the supervision of instructors.
  2. Minnesota West makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to merchantability or as to the fitness of the work and parts for a particular purpose, for which warranties are expressly disclaimed.
  3. An estimate for the cost and the time for repair will be given when the vehicle is brought in. All estimates that exceed $100 will require a 50% deposit before the work will be performed. The owner will be notified prior to work being completed if the actual cost will exceed the estimate.
  4. Vehicles will be released after full payment has been received. Payment must be made to the Student Payment office, and proof of payment must be submitted to the instructor.
  5. Minnesota West will not be held responsible for loss due to theft, fire, or vandalism that may occur while the vehicle is at the college.

Aproved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: