Procedure 1B.1.2

Chapter 1 - General

1B.1.1 Equal Opportunity and/Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
Procedure 1B.1.2 Preferred Name

Legal name:  Students can update their legal name on their record by submitting a Student Data Change form to the campus resource specialists. Required documentation that must be submitted with this form includes a picture ID plus a copy of the legal documentation granting the name change. Appropriate forms include: birth certificate, marriage license, court order granting name change, naturalization documentation, or divorce decree. Financial aid recipients must also include a copy of the social security card issued in the new name.  

Legal Name is considered core person data and will be available to all Minnesota Statea institutions with which the person has a relationship.

Preferred name:  A student can request the addition of a preferred name by submitting a Preferred Name Request form to the campus resource specialist. An employee can request the addition of a preferred name by submitting a Preferred Name Request form to the human resources office.  

The preferred name will be displayed on class lists, honors lists, timecards, eServices homepage, and other locations determined by the college. Preferred name will also display as the email address. Legal name will always appear on transcripts, paychecks, financial aid records, official correspondence from the college, tax forms, and all international student documentation.

Preferred Name is considered core person data and will be available to all Minnesota State institutions with which the person has a relationship.

Minnesota West reserves the right to deny an inappropriate preferred name including, but not limited to, those that: avoid legal obligations, misrepresent, or violate other system policies, etc. Preferred names may not be used for commercial or promotional purposes and thus may not be a company name, group name, or message. The Registrar will make that determination on student records and the Human Resources Director will make that determination on employee records.  If the request is denied, the student or employee may appeal the decision in writing to the Office of the President or his designee.

Employee Preferred Name Request Forms will be retained as part of the personnel file for 4 years after separation date. Student Preferred Name Request Forms will be retained as part of the student file for five years after the last date of attendance.

Revised date: 9/2/15