Policy 2.22

Chapter 2:  Students

2.22 Student Internship

Minnesota West Community & Technical College recognizes the value of internships. An internship is a training and mentoring period in actual service or employment.

Internships must be identified in the course program schedule. The instructor is responsible for defining the internship and appropriate credit assignment. The following components must be present:

  1. Internship/Co-op Agreement and acquire the appropriate signatures
  2. Acknowledgement of Risk and Consent and acquire the appropriate signatures
  3. A job description and work schedule.
  4. A course syllabus which includes:
  •    Purpose of the internship/WBL desired learning
  •    Student Learning outcomes
  •    Assignments that link the internship/WBL to academic, career, or personal goals
  •    Logistics (e.g., time required, transportation, materials required, access to services and resources)
  •    Supervision and accommodation information
  •    Evaluation methods
  •    Criteria for grading
  1. Faculty generated academic assignments
  2. Faculty oversight outlined in a schedule to confer with the student and site supervisor regarding student progress throughout the course of the internship/WBL.
  3. Site Supervision Evaluation
  4. Student Self-Evaluation
  5. Host Site Evaluation of Internship/WBL Program

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: June 14, 1999
History & Revision: April 2021
Approved by: Terry Gaalswyk, President