Policy 3.20.1

Chapter 3 - Educational

3.20.1 Consumer Information/Student Right to Know

Minnesota West Community & Technical College, in compliance with the Title VI of the Educational Amendments of 1976 to the Higher Education Act and subsequent Federal Legislation, will provide and disseminate consumer information to all prospective and enrolled students. This information shall include, but not be limited to the following:  admission requirements, financial aid programs, costs, job placement, probation policy, campus crime statistics, student retention, refund policy, and transfer. Students who do not have a high school diploma or GED can obtain one while attending Minnesota West. The Campus Administrator, Registrar, or the Student Services staff on each campus are designated as the persons available to all enrolled students and prospective students to provide the following information upon request:

  1. Accreditation, approval or licensing.
  2. Graduation and transfer rates.
  3. Campus crime statistics and security.
  4. Campus policies concerning security and access to campus facilities.
  5. Campus policies and procedures for reporting crime.
  6. Information on campus programs on prevention of campus crime.
  7. Information on alcohol abuse prevention programs.
  8. Information on preventing sexual assault and awareness of issues regarding rape, acquaintance rape, and other forcible and non-forcible sexual offenses.
  9. Information on student's options to notify authorities and assistance in help to notify authorities if the student requests such assistance.
  10. Information on availability of on and off campus counseling, mental health and other student services for victims of sex offenses.
  11. Information on how student changes can be made in a victim's academic situation should it be requested by the victim.
  12. Information on campus disciplinary procedures for an alleged sexual offense and sanctions the college may impose following final determination of such a proceeding.
  13. Information on the equity in athletics.

The major portion of this listing is made available upon request through publications and mailings provided by Minnesota West Community & Technical College.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: