Policy 5.26

Chapter 5 - Administration

5.26 Locker Policy

College lockers are the property of Minnesota West Community and Technical College. At no time does the college relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students, faculty, staff and community. Inspection of the interior of lockers may be conducted by college authorities for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions within a college locker may be searched only when college authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or college rules. As soon as practical after the search of personal possessions, the college authorities must provide notice of the search to those whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or college officials.


  • Minnesota West reserves the right to refuse locker access to any individual who uses these services in a manner that is unsafe, unhealthy, or inappropriate.

  • Minnesota West has several locker units available at no charge. If use is desired, a use agreement must be completed and returned to the contact person responsible. Any lockers used without contract will have locks cut.

  • Approximately 3 weeks prior to the end of the academic year, notice will be given to vacate lockers by noon on the last day of the term. Any items not removed will be stored for 10 business days after the end of the term. Any items not reclaimed at the end of 10 business days will be discarded.

Approved by: Terry Gaalswyk, President
Date: April 26, 2019
History & Revision: