Policy 3.20.2

Chapter 3 - Educational

3.20.2 Approved Absences for Students

Students enrolled at Minnesota West and who participate in college-sponsored activities and approved instructor-generated field trips shall be excused from missed classes without prejudice or penalty. This policy is intended to permit students to participate in events and activities without jeopardizing their academic standing or penalizing them in the classes they miss.

The activity advisor, coach or instructor will submit a list of students to be excused from classes along with the name of the event or activity, dates, and times of absence to the Campus Administrator for approval and notification to the campus faculty.

Students Responsibility
It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her instructors at least two days prior to the absence to arrange to make-up work missed. Instructors may require make-up work to be completed prior to the absence.

The student is responsible for all work missed during the approved absence period.

Instructors Responsibility
Once the student has notified the instructor, the instructor will arrange for make-up work or alternative assignments so that the student is not penalized for an approved absence. It is understood that all missed classroom experiences cannot be replicated exactly.

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision: