Policy 3.3.1

Chapter 3 - Educational

3.3.1 Assessment/Placement

Minnesota West is committed to institutional improvements and assisting all students in realizing their potential. For this reason, student assessment is part of the college's educational program. Students participate in a series of assessment tests and surveys designed to assist college personnel in accurate advisement and course placement and to gather information on student satisfaction with college programs and services.

New students are required to complete an assessment of their basic skills to enable better judgments of readiness to function effectively within college level curriculum. Mandatory placement in reading, English and math courses is based on the assessment scores. The Accuplacer instrument is used for assessment but ACT scores can be also used to meet assessment standards. Minnesota West will not require an individual to take a remedial, noncredit course in a subject area if the individual has received a college ready ACT score in that subject area.

Students will be given reasonable time and opportunity to review materials provided by the college covering the material to be tested. This material will include a sample test. An individual who is required to take a remedial, noncredit course as a result of a test given by Minnesota West will be given an opportunity to retake the test at the earliest time determined by the individual when testing is otherwise offered. Minnesota West will provide an individual with study materials for the purpose of retaking and passing the test.

Minnesota West has developed guidelines that exempt some students from all or portions of the assessment based on previous education or enrollment status.

See Minnesota State Policy 3.3

Approved by: Ron Wood, President
Date: July 1, 2003
History & Revision:
Editorial Changes: Changed CAPP to Accuplacer. July 26, 2004.
Added ACT scores accepted, April 8, 2009.
Added will not require remedial course language, September 1, 2015.
Revision: July 25, 2017 Minnesota State link