Academic Standards



Refer to Current Academic Catalog

Awarding of College Credit

Refer to Current Academic Catalog

Credit Limit Policy

Refer to College Policy 3.29.1

Concurrent Enrollment

Refer to Minnesota State Policy 3.5

Dean’s List

Refer to Current Academic Catalog

Academic Renewal

Academic Renewal gives an undergraduate student who has been away from Minnesota West Community & Technical College at least five calendar years a one-time opportunity to establish a new grade point average. The policy will not apply if a student has earned a degree, diploma, or certificate from Minnesota West for the period in which they are asking for a fresh start.

Students who seek a fresh start must meet the following conditions: 

  • The student must not have been enrolled at Minnesota West for a minimum of five consecutive
    years prior to the point of the fresh start.
  • Upon readmission, the student must successfully complete 15 credits at Minnesota West with no grades below C prior to applying for the fresh start.
  • If approved, the fresh start will be indicated on the transcript. All prior grades and credits will not apply to academic GPA, credits attempted and credits earned, but will be used for calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress, Grade Point Average, and completion percentage for financial aid purposes. The student’s record will reflect all original courses attempted by the student.  

Grade Appeal

Students who believe they have been improperly graded in a particular course may appeal the grade prior to the end of the third week of the fall or spring semester following the semester in which the grade was received. To challenge a grade received for a summer course, students must file the appeal before the third week of the following fall semester.

Procedures for appeal are outlined on the Grade Appeal form.

Grading System

Refer to College Policy 3.17.1 

Graduation with Honors

See our Current Academic Catalog

Pass/Fail Policy

See our Current Academic Catalog

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Refer to College Policy 2.9.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

See our Current Academic Catalog

According to Minnesota Statutes section 124D.09, Minnesota State colleges and universities Policy 3,5,1 governs the implementation of the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options program by system colleges and universities. Minnesota West Policy 3.5 acknowledges participation in the PSEO program.


Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MTC) was adopted by all Minnesota State colleges and universities on January 1, 2002. Approved courses and completed MTC goal areas must be accepted for full credit at all receiving Minnesota State college and universities' institutions. Find more information on the or Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

Transfer between Minnesota State colleges and universities
The following provisions apply specifically to students transferring between colleges and universities within the Minnesota State system.

  1. Comparable treatment: The provisions of this policy shall be applied uniformly to all students who transfer between institutions in the Minnesota State system.
  2. Transfer of credit: Once a student has been admitted to a Minnesota State college or university, courses earning credit shall be considered for transfer. Developmental courses may be used to satisfy pre-requisites but will not transfer.
  3. A student may appeal a transfer decision by following these steps:Comparable or equivalent courses: Minnesota State colleges and universities shall accept for transfer courses comparable or equivalent to specific courses offered at the receiving Minnesota State institution.
    1. The student may complete a transfer evaluation appeal form and attach supporting documentation, including a copy of the transcript from the previous institution and a course syllabus for the course in question. The initial appeal will be handled by College Administration (Provost or designee).
    2. If the Provost or designee denies the appeal, the student may further appeal the decision by submitting all documentation to the College President.
    3. If the student is not satisfied with the College President’s decision, he or she may appeal to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Minnesota State colleges and universities. See the Transfer Resource Center for the appeal process. The decision of the Senior Vice Chancellor shall be binding on all system college and university parties.
  4. Comparable or equivalent courses: Minnesota State colleges and universities shall accept for transfer courses comparable or equivalent to specific courses offered at the receiving Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institution.
  5. General Electives: Minnesota State colleges and universities shall accept for transfer as general or "free" electives occupational/professional courses, which are not comparable or equivalent to specific courses taught at the receiving institution, up to 24 quarter or 16 semester credits. A Minnesota State colleges and universities institution may accept credits beyond this limit if they contribute to an educationally coherent program for an individual student. 

See additional information > Transfer Services.

Transfer Credit

As a transfer student, you have the right to receive:

  1. A clear, understandable statement of the College’s transfer policy.
  2. A fair credit review and an explanation of why credits were or were not accepted.
  3. A copy of the formal appeal process.
  4. A review, on request, of your eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.

If you wish to transfer credits to the Minnesota West, you must mail official transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended directly to the registration office. Student copies of transcripts will not be evaluated. Official copies are required before transfer credit will be granted on your permanent record. Your declared degree goal will be used as the transfer evaluation base. If you change your degree goal, you are responsible to seek information on the application of credits toward the new degree goal. You will receive a copy of the transcript evaluation when the evaluation is complete. Review the transfer to Minnesota West page for information on how courses from other institutions will be evaluated by Minnesota West. 

Minnesota West Community & Technical College will accept transfer credits according to the following guidelines:

  1. College level course work must have been completed at a college accredited by one of the regional associations of colleges and schools, or by a comparable international college or university.
  2. Generally, transfer of technical credits is allowed for courses completed within five years prior to the transfer application. General education and non-technical elective credits shall have no transfer time limit. Specific accrediting agencies may impose stricter transfer standards. See the transfer specialist for details.
  3. Credit achieved through military training shall be evaluated for transfer as specified in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services (ACE).
  4. Credit achieved through experiential learning processes shall be evaluated according to published national standard guidelines established by the American Council on Education, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, or other similar national organizations.
  5. Course work awarded through Credit by Examination and Competency Based Education shall be considered for transfer on an individual basis.
  6. Credits given for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Advanced Placement (AP) tests require submission of an original score report.

Credits earned prior to transfer will be evaluated according to the following standards:

  1. All college courses in which you have received a grade of A, B, C, or D shall be considered for transfer evaluation. P grades shall be accepted as earned credit. If your cumulative GPA at the originating institution is less than 2.0, no grades less than C will be accepted in transfer from that school. Per Minnesota State colleges and universities policy, Minnesota West will accept Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses and goals with the passing grades earned at another Minnesota State school, and the minimum grade of C shall not apply.
  2. Transfer credit grades shall not be used in computing your grade point average at Minnesota West.
  3. Courses approved for transfer must be comparable in nature, content, and level and match at least 75% of the content and goals of the course syllabus for which you are seeking equivalent credit.
  4. The number of transfer credits granted per course shall not exceed the number granted by the originating institution.
  5. The conversion of quarter to semester hours shall normally be 1.33-quarter hours for each semester hour. The conversion of clock hours to semester hours shall normally be 45 clock hours for each semester hour.
  6. When you transfer in courses and later successfully repeat an equivalent course at Minnesota West Community & Technical College, only the grades and credits from Minnesota West will be considered.
  7. If you wish to appeal a transfer of credit decision, you may use the established appeals process. Information is available in the Student Services office.

See additional information > Transfer Services.