Online Privacy Statement

Privacy Information

We understand the importance of privacy for website visitors. Our policy is to collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to make such information available to us.

Minnesota State is firmly committed to respecting the privacy of all website visitors to the extent permitted by state and federal laws, including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13. 

This Privacy Statement is intended to explain the ways in which we collect information, the way we will use the information collected, and the protections we will provide the information you choose to give to us.

Server Logs
Minnesota West automatically gathers and stores information from online visitors to help manage the website and improve service. This information includes pages, files, documents and links visited, date and time of access, browser type and operating system used, domain name and IP address fo access. Information is used in aggregate only. No attempt is made to identify individual visitors from this information.

Personal Information Provided by You
The Minnesota West website will collect only personal information which you knowingly and voluntarily provide by, for example, sending emails, completing forms, registering for classes or other events, responding to surveys. The information will be used only for the purposes you authorized. Personally identifiable information will not be sold, exchanged, or otherwise distributed without your consent, except to the extent required by law.

Student directory information may be released without the student’s written consent. Directory information includes name, address, telephone number, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletes, classification (e.g., freshman, sophomore, full-time, or part-time), dates of attendance, date of graduation, degrees, certificates and awards received. If you do not want your directory information released, you must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing.

If you have questions related to security and data privacy contact