Lamb & Wool Online Course Registration

This form is only for students not seeking a degree from Minnesota West Community & Technical College. Complete the form, then click the Submit button. All fields must be completed.

Payment Disclosures: Terms and Conditions

  • I understand that I am responsible for all charges for this registration at Minnesota West Community & Technical College.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to read all policies and procedures as outlined in the student handbook.
  • I understand the drop/add, withdrawal, and refund policies as outlined in the handbook.
  • It is my total obligation to pay tuition and fees in full for all classes that I am registered for after the fifth class day of any term.
  • I further understand that all tuition and fees are to be paid in full no later than the fifth day of any term unless a deferment is in effect.
  • I understand that I may be subject to late fees.
  • I understand that if I have an unpaid balance, no further enrollment at Minnesota West will be permitted, that my unpaid balance will be turned over to a collection agency, and that I am fully responsible for any collection costs and fees.

Complete and submit the following form:

We ask for your birthdate and last 4 digits of SSN to help ensure that we don’t create duplicate accounts. * The previous information will help Minnesota State Colleges and Universities evaluate student recruitment and retention policies; it will not be used as a basis for admission. Providing this information is voluntary

If yes, how long?

If you answered no, do you have status as:

If you answered yes, you must contact the international student office at the college or university you wish to attend to determine whether a separate application is required.

Course Number 1 (Required)

Course Number 2 (Required)

Course Number 3 (Required)

* By entering my name, I am agreeing to all terms and stipulate that all information provided is correct.