Lamb & Wool Management

lamb and wool
The Lamb & Wool Management Program helps sheep producers improve the health and productivity of their lambs by boosting income and profitability. We focus on optimizing lamb production through teaching effective care, nutrition, and management practices. You'll learn how to increase growth rates, ensure lamb survival, and produce high-quality lambs for the market. Our team helps you with marketing to make the most of every ewe in your flock. 

Programs & Courses

Lamb and Wool Management
lamb and wool

Lamb and Wool Management

Introduction to Sheep Management
Introduction to Sheep Management

Introduction to Sheep Management

Lambing Time Short Course & Bus Tour
Lambing Time Short Course & Bus Tour

Lambing Time Short Course & Bus Tour

Sheep Management Courses
Sheep Management Courses

Sheep Management Courses

Sheep Facility Tour
Sheep Facility Tour

Sheep Facility Tour

Sheep for Profit School
Sheep for Profit School

Sheep for Profit School

Program Goals

  • Provide information and education in the areas of enterprise management, nutrition, health, breeding practices, lambing techniques, facility design and layout, marketing, economics of production, and record keeping that will lead to greater bottom line profits.
  • Assist members in implementing sound, profitable management practices.
  • Keep members informed of the latest research findings and new technologies available.
  • Assist in identifying superior genetics and acquiring sound, high quality, productive breeding stock.
  • Educate members on breeding, feeding, and marketing methods that will produce a uniform, high quality market lamb and wool clip that will receive a premium price.
  • Assist members in developing and using effective financial and production record systems.

Lamb & Wool Program Educational Activities

Each producer will receive farm visits based on their selected program option. Each visit is about two hours long and covers questions and concerns about their sheep operation and assists them in applying innovative technology and management methods.

Long Distance and Sheep Consulting options will receive scheduled/requested virtual farm visits via phone or video calling platform (e.g., Zoom, Teams). Visits are about 1-2 hours long and cover questions and concerns about their sheep operation.

Each program member is invited to a small group meeting at a central location. The farm focus meeting is designed to enhance sharing of ideas in a small group setting by touring the host farm and discussing current management principles, questions, and concerns. The meetings are approximately 2 ½ hours in length.

Meetings on various management topics are presented throughout the year. Meetings are delivered in-person or webinar via Zoom. In-person meeting locations include Pipestone, MN; Spencer, IA; and Hawarden, IA. Guest speakers will also be invited to speak on pertinent subjects in their area of expertise via Zoom.

Instructors are available by phone and email during office hours to answer specific management questions.

Each member will receive regular email updates often including lamb carcass prices and common commodity prices along with any additional timely and pertinent information.

Members receive quarterly newsletters which cover upcoming events, current industry news, and timely management information.

This course includes 14 lessons which cover all aspects of modern sheep production. After completion of the course, lessons make good reference material.

Members are encouraged to submit financial and production records to be analyzed and are valuable in determining profitable management strategies.

Periodic sessions are held on member farms to demonstrate new management technologies.

 The short course is designed to cover specific lambing time management topics and tour successful lambing operations in either a virtual or in-person format. Full program, long distance, and sheep consulting members attend at a reduced fee (meal and bus cost only). Small and Intermediate flock members pay full rate for the short course.  

 All program options pay full rate for Sheep Facility Tour. This tour is only offered in June of even numbered years.

  Small Flock Imtermediate  Flock Member Producer  Long Distance Sheep Central Consulting
 Number of Ewes
Small Flock
 < 100
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer
 Any number
 Long Distance
 Any number 
Sheep Central Consulting
 Any number 
 Distance from  Pipestone
Small Flock
 < 125 miles
Imtermediate  Flock
 <125 miles
Member Producer
 <125 miles
 Long Distance
 125-200 miles
Sheep Central Consulting
> 225 miles
 Farm Visits
Small Flock
1 (Feb/Mar)
Imtermediate  Flock
1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (Oct/Nov)
Member Producer

1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (April/May)
1 (July/Aug)
1 (Oct/Nov)

Other States
1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (April/May)
1 (July/Aug)

 Long Distance

1 (Feb/Mar)

Virtual Farm Visit (As Requested)

Sheep Central Consulting

1 (Feb/Mar)

Virtual Farm Visit (As Requested)

 Farm Focus Groups
Small Flock
 1 (Dec/Jan)
Imtermediate  Flock
 1 (Dec/Jan)
Member Producer

 1 (Dec/Jan)

 Long Distance

 1 (Dec/Jan)

Sheep Central Consulting


 Classes & Meetings
Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting

Recorded Webinars

 Phone/Email Access
Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting


 Email Updates
Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting


Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting


 Home Study Course
Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting

Not Included

 Enterprise Analysis
Small Flock
Imtermediate  Flock
Member Producer


 Long Distance


Sheep Central Consulting


 Sheep Facility Tour
Small Flock
Full Cost
Imtermediate  Flock
Full Cost
Member Producer

Full Cost

 Long Distance

Full Cost

Sheep Central Consulting

Full Cost

 Lambing Time Short Course
Small Flock
Full Cost
Imtermediate  Flock
Full Cost
Member Producer

Reduced Fee

 Long Distance

Reduced Fee

Sheep Central Consulting

Reduced Fee

Number of Ewes  < 100  100-200  Any number  Any number   Any number 
Distance from  Pipestone  < 125 miles  <125 miles  <125 miles  125-200 miles > 225 miles
Farm Visits 1 (Feb/Mar) 1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (Oct/Nov)

1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (April/May)
1 (July/Aug)
1 (Oct/Nov)

Other States
1 (Feb/Mar)
1 (April/May)
1 (July/Aug)

1 (Feb/Mar)

Virtual Farm Visit (As Requested)

1 (Feb/Mar)

Virtual Farm Visit (As Requested)

Farm Focus Groups  1 (Dec/Jan)  1 (Dec/Jan)

 1 (Dec/Jan)

 1 (Dec/Jan)


Classes & Meetings X X



Recorded Webinars

Phone/Email Access X X




Email Updates X X




Newsletters X X




Home Study Course X X



Not Included

Enterprise Analysis X X




Sheep Facility Tour Full Cost Full Cost

Full Cost

Full Cost

Full Cost

Lambing Time Short Course Full Cost Full Cost

Reduced Fee

Reduced Fee

Reduced Fee

program history
Learn about the history of the lamb and wool program! The program started in 1972 and grew into what it is today.

Sheep Management Wheel

The Pipestone Sheep Management Wheel was developed to make ewe flock management decisions simple and easy. The wheel is basically a management calendar. It works by setting the date you lamb and all the management tasks that you need to do for the ewe and her lambs for the entire year are indicated on the wheel.

The wheel contains lots of management information based on the way we raise sheep in the Pipestone area. The wheel is made of high quality, washable plastic that will last a very long time. It also makes a great gift. The cost of the wheel is $12.

sheep wheel

To order a Pipestone Sheep Management Wheel
Send $12 (make checks payable to Minnesota West) to:
Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program
1314 North Hiawatha
P. O. Box 250
Pipestone, Minnesota 56164


Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact Us

Lamb and Wool Management Program
Pipestone Campus
1314 North Hiawatha
P. O. Box 250
Pipestone, Minnesota 56164

Lamb & Wool Instructors

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