Peace Officer Admission Requirements

A.S. and A.A.S. Degree applicants

Students are required to complete and submit the following POST mandated items prior to being accepted into the Peace Officer program.

  1. Submit a FREE Online Application for general admission to Minnesota West.
  2. Submit the Peace Officer Program Application.
  3. Read and submit the Minimum Selection Standards Affirmation.
  4. Read and submit the Physical Fitness Test.
  5. Complete and submit the State Vehicle Use Agreement and Consent Form.
  6. Schedule a physical exam with your physician. Have the physician complete this physical form.

Once you have completed the steps listed, contact the Peace Officer Program to schedule an interview with the Coordinator. At this interview, the Coordinator will assist you with completing the rest of the process to enter the program.

Additional paperwork that will need to be completed are:

  • Complete the MMPI-2 test (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2). The process is set up through Southwest Mental Health to Avera Behavioral Health.
  • Obtain and submit a printed copy of your criminal history record report (public and private data) from the Minnesota BCA or from the lead state law enforcement agency in your state of legal residence.

Skills Applicants

Students are required to complete and submit the following POST mandated items prior to being accepted into the Skills Certificate program. Every individual must complete the following prior to the start of classes:

  1. Submit a FREE Online Application for general admission to Minnesota West.
  2. Submit the Peace Officer Program Skills Application.
  3. Submit your transcript and PPOE paperwork to Minnesota West.
  4. Schedule a physical exam with your physician. Have the physician complete this physical form.

Admissions Confirmation
Upon completion receipt of all forms and documents, your file will be reviewed for admission to the Peace Officer Program at Minnesota West. If you are accepted into the Peace Officer Program, you will be sent a letter of confirmation. If you are not accepted, you will be sent a letter with an explanation.

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