May 05, 2023

Minnesota State’s HR All-Star Award

Karen Miller HR Award

Over the last 28 years, Karen Miller, Chief Human Resources Officer, has been the welcoming and friendly face of HR for all of Minnesota West. Throughout periods of change, funding challenges, mergers, leadership roles and a pandemic, to say she is an all-star is an understatement.

The past years have been challenging for all Human Resource professionals nationwide. Collaboration and leadership were a priority we all strived to achieve.

We are thrilled to share that Karen was selected as one of the recipients of this year’s HR All-Star Award from the Minnesota State colleges and universities system.

Karen is highly regarded, well-respected and has developed strong relationships with the system office and Minnesota West. She is the perfect recipient of this award and serves as a college ambassador within the community.

Karen has effectively served over 200 full-time team members across 5 campuses and 2 learning centers with an HR Staff of two people. She successfully recruited, hired, and onboarded over 30 new talented team members in FY22.

"Karen is a servant-heart leader who creates community and family within our college. Her attention to the transactional work of Human Resources pales in effect to her dedication to the wellness of our talent. As such, she witnesses the hallmark of a Human Resources leader – placing the concept of ‘human’ as the center of her leadership. Her 28 years of expertise in assuring policy, provision, and compliance coupled with caring and empathy has been evidenced in the ‘college that cares,’" shared her colleagues, Vice President Jodi Landgaard, Provost Arthur Brown, and President Terry Gaalswyk. 

Karen was nominated in full support by college team members represented through the President’s cabinet who each have witnessed and benefited from her leadership. She accepted her award during the Spring 2023 Minnesota State HR Conference on April 28.

We thank Karen for her outstanding work for Minnesota West Community & Technical College, the Minnesota State colleges and universities system, and all HR colleagues.