December 20, 2022

Farm Business Management Program recognized

Farm Business Management Program recognized

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – The Minnesota West Community & Technical College Farm Business Management Program has been recognized as a top program nationwide and received the 2022 National Association of Agricultural Educators Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program award presented during the 2022 NAAE Convention, November 29 through December 3, in Las Vegas.

The NAAE Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program award is presented to postsecondary programs that emphasize lasting teaching methods, enhance student motivation, and exemplify great experiential learning.

The Farm Business Management Program is located in Barrett, Minnesota. The program serves mainly a six-county area in West Central Minnesota and includes approximately 70 families each year, ranging in age from 25 to 78. The program includes students who are part-time farming to students who are running multi-family partnerships and corporations. There are many different family and business situations within the group of students, leading to a variety of complex business teaching and learning
opportunities. The program provides students with the tools that they need to be successful lifelong learners and managers in their farm businesses and achieve their personal, family, and business goals. The program is led by instructor Deron Erickson.

NAAE is a professional organization for agricultural educators with over 8,000 members nationwide. The organization advocates for agricultural education that provides advancement through professional development for agricultural educators and works to recruit and retain agricultural educators in the profession. NAAE offers a variety of programs and services to support this three-pronged mission. The mission of NAAE is “professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy, and service.” NAAE is headquartered in Lexington, Ky.